Grant Application Process - How To Apply
Submit Letter of Intent. Letters of Intent are accepted throughout the year via Email.
Submit Application. If your Letter of Intent is accepted, a Grant Application will be sent to you for completion.
Applications will be reviewed by Board of Trustees; at which time a determination will be made regarding the grant application.
Applicants will be notified if their grant application is approved or denied.
Letter of Intent
Organizations and individuals whose goals are compatible with the Mission of the Anna-Maria Moggio Foundation are encouraged to submit a Letter of Intent. Guidelines on how to submit a Letter of Intent are listed below.
A Letter of Intent (LOI) should include a brief organizational description together with a specific project description.
The Letter of Intent should include the following:
Specific project description
The target population and location
Other partners and funding sources, if applicable
Amount being requested
Project timeframe
Intended outcomes
If you have received a Moggio Foundation grant in the past, please indicate last grant received – year, amount awarded and project.
If you represent an organization or an institution, you are required to submit
Tax ID number and certificate of 501 c3 tax exempt status
A copy of your organization’s most recent audited annual financial statement
A list of the leadership of your organization including Board of Trustees, Director, and Senior Officers.
Letters of Intent are accepted year-round and should be submitted via email to: inquiries@moggiofoundation.org
After a careful review of the Letter of Intent, The Moggio Foundation may invite potential grantees whose goals are considered to be most compatible with our Mission to submit a formal application.
Applications should be returned by the deadline date provided on the application. Completed applications will be sent to the Board of Trustees for review.
Before submitting a Letter of Intent, please review the list below.
What the Foundation Does Not Fund
Grants for Reduction of debt
Grants to Endowment funds
Advocacy, lobbying, or legislation for grants made by other grant makers
Completed projects “after-the-fact”
Scholarships requests submitted by individuals
Contributions to Capital Campaigns